So you can read my books

Saturday, May 12, 2018

MOTHER Is Not a 4 Letter Word

Though you might think it a term of profanity 
from our modern movies.

Sadly, the full term is used more and more lately.

In fact, it is the duct tape that binds Samuel L. Jackson's dialogue together!

Yet, MOTHER is a name that is so complex depending upon the situation in which you hear it 

that it is a many-faceted gem of many colors and nuances. 

The young woman hearing that she is soon to be a mother 

may hear the term with hope, despair, or fear of being like her own hated mother.

The teenager yelling "Mother!" may feel unloved, controlled, or ignored.

The man sitting by the death-bed of his mother 

may whisper the name out of a wellspring of loving memories 

or from a dark pit of having never been understood.

Mothers are only human:

 some saintly, some devilish, most somewhere in between.

We train our children in schools on how to do everything senseless but not how to live well.

Shouldn't we have classes on how to parent?  

How to deal with stress?  

How to manage a budget?

Mothers make it up as they go along.

Sandra, my best friend, had a son, Drew, 

who was forever fiddling with the electric wall sockets close to the floor boards.

She finally put covers on all of them.

Sometime later as she did her business' books on her computer, she heard a Fittzz and saw the lights go dim.

She turned to the sound of faltering steps.

There stumbled poor little Drew, his hair looking like Einstein's, holding his trembling right hand high.

"Mama right.  Mama right!"

From that time forward, Sandra would counsel Drew when he felt compelled to do an unwise thing. "Mama right."

Usually, Drew would later sadly confide to her with a wry, hurt smile.  

"Mama right.  Mama right."

May we all have had mothers wise enough for us to follow their counsel.

Happy Mother's Day 
to All My Friends 
For Whom This Day Applies!


  1. Thanks for the Mother's Day coverage. We need a lot of promo!

  2. I love the story of little Drew. My mother wasn't around when my brother touched a live wire and went flying across the room! But he survived, to her relief.

  3. I love the story of little Drew. My mother wasn't around when my brother touched a live wire and went flying across the room! But he survived, to her relief.
