I must go down to the sea again, to the
lonely sea and sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to
steer by.
- John Masefield.
What star do you steer by? When you live? When you interact with others?
When you write?
Everybody knows something, but is what they know true? Can you hear Pilate ask his infamous question? I can.
I mean, flames look like objects but in truth are processes. In like manner, so are we humans.
Everybody knows something, but is what they know true? Can you hear Pilate ask his infamous question? I can.
I mean, flames look like objects but in truth are processes. In like manner, so are we humans.
We judge others by appearance, by action. But how valid is that?
The human mind is a mysterious realm.
The human mind is a mysterious realm.
A man can't always be judged by what he does. He may keep the law to the letter, and yet inwardly be worthless.
The lights go out over the city, and his actions do a 180 degree turnaround.
The lights go out over the city, and his actions do a 180 degree turnaround.
Another man may commit a sin against society and yet accomplish through that "sin" a true act of compassion and heroism.
Nor are words to be trusted -- if politicians haven't already taught you that.
Nor are words to be trusted -- if politicians haven't already taught you that.
Universal peace is much talked about.
I can't help but think that foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry.
That last thought got me thinking along strange lines after my termination after 23 years, and I wrote a story for my amusement alone.
That last thought got me thinking along strange lines after my termination after 23 years, and I wrote a story for my amusement alone.
What if the Earth were invaded, and Good was too busy hunting terrorist plots and pointing nuclear missiles at each other to notice?
What if it were up to Evil to defend the planet?
What if it were up to Evil to defend the planet?
As in "Not in my sandbox you don't!" And so taking that premise, I had a fallen angel awaken in a British asylum with no memory of having gotten there -- an asylum run by alien invaders.
And to make it doubly interesting, I told it in first person through the eyes of the fallen angel.
Ever try to express yourself realistically as an angel, whose perspective spans eternity? I found out how hard amusing myself could really be.
Here are the first two pages of my story that became a chapter in PERCHANCE TO NIGHTMARE.
And to make it doubly interesting, I told it in first person through the eyes of the fallen angel.
Ever try to express yourself realistically as an angel, whose perspective spans eternity? I found out how hard amusing myself could really be.
Here are the first two pages of my story that became a chapter in PERCHANCE TO NIGHTMARE.
See if I did a credible job at looking at life through the eyes of a fallen angel:
The spark of an anguished soul flew past me in the night. I shivered as her light drew back the curtains of my mind. I would have cursed her had she lingered. But Death was impatient. Words breathed through the mists of my awareness.
"Darkness yet in light. To live half dead, a living death. And buried but yet more miserable. My self. My sepulcher."
My mind roughly brushed aside the dry leaves of Milton's broodings. No time for self-pity. Yet too much time for all eternity. Enough! I was here for a reason. And as always that reason was death. Always death. The why was unimportant. There was always a logical why for Abbadon.
The where, however, was another matter. And when might illuminate the present darkness of my mind as well. Keeping my eyes closed, though tempting, would but delay the inevitable. I opened them.
Only a peek through slit eyes. After all, my ears told me that I was not alone. I frowned. A hospital room?
I reached out with more than my ears. My spirit shuddered as the ragged claws of madness raked it from down the hall. An asylum. A Sidhe inprisoned within a madhouse. How utterly fitting.
I ran my long fingers along the rough sheet beneath me. A state asylum obviously. Even better. But what state? My awakening consciousness was stubborn in its ignorance.
I bunched up the sheet in my fist in hot frustration. A sharp intake of breath from the next bed. Her scent came to me. I smiled. Only a human.
And I?
What was I?
And with the question came a fragment of the answer. I was not the happier for it. More words whispered out of the darkness that was my soul.
"Come away, human child,
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand."
I frowned. I had no patience for whimsy. Not even that of Yeats.
From the corner of my eye I saw the human in the next bed begin to shiver. No matter. The human was not important. Time and place. They were.
I flicked my eyes to the barred window. The glass. Thick, dense. Like the humans who made it.
Under my fingertips a pebble. I nodded. A mere speck of stone. But it would do.
The pebble shot from between my thumb and forefinger like a bullet. An electric circuit died, wailing its death song in tones higher than humans could hear.
I smiled like a wolf. We would have visitors soon.
More the pity for them.
I drew in a breath from the cold breeze bleeding from the wounded window. The sharp tang of Autumn.
More the pity for them.
I drew in a breath from the cold breeze bleeding from the wounded window. The sharp tang of Autumn.
Oak. Ash. Thorn. Decay.
Rotting leaves, mottled in bright hues of strangled life. The dark and bloody soil beneath them breathed out its lineage. An aching sadness hollowed out my chest.
The Misty Isles. Albion. England.
I whispered, the words on my lips feeling like dewdrops of blood on a wounded doe,
I whispered, the words on my lips feeling like dewdrops of blood on a wounded doe,
"The lonely season in lonely lands."
Louis L'Amour once wrote:
Louis L'Amour once wrote:
the man or book who can give me a new idea or a new slant on an old one is my friend.
Hopefully, this post has been a friend. I know that I think of all of you out there who have written me as friends.
And it is the midnight hour when that dread gate gapes open, and silent shades slip into the darkness to visit our dreams ...
And it is the midnight hour when that dread gate gapes open, and silent shades slip into the darkness to visit our dreams ...
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