Of course you balk at my post title,
since you are reading my blog, right?
But reading is on the decline.
One in four (27%) of us have not read a book in the last year.
If we as authors write posts primarily to other authors,
we are in essence singing to the choir.
It is like kissing your sister, convenient but leads nowhere ...
unless your sister was Angelina Jolie ...
but that is another disturbing story. Brrr.
John Locke, snake oil salesman
and book review buyer that he was
actually had a good idea:
We must write to intrigue and entice potential READERS of what we write.
Google Searchers with an intriguing title
But you must follow the title with a post
that amuses, entertains, and persuades the reader that your prose is worth gambling 99 cents on.
On the internet, you can walk away with a click if someone fails to interest you.
This happens all the time.
Say your piece and stand by it.
Wafflers are like warm tap water.
Be hot. Be cold.
But write words of steel not water vapor.
You think most Indie Authors are Brand Whores?
Say it. Stand by it.
Endure the storm and stand tall.
That is what great spirits do.
In the documentary, "Conan Can't Stop,"
Conan explains how he gets through situations that are hard.
He says he acts "as if."
As if he belongs there.
As if he knows what he's doing.
As if everything is going to be a success --
no matter what he does, no matter what anyone says, no matter how hard it gets.
Write your blog, live the author life that way ...
Write As If people are reading
and by golly you are going to entertain the socks off them.
Hey, it might even work!
God doesn't want lukewarm, so we shouldn't settle for it either.
ReplyDeleteDifficult to gain readers anywhere these days.