So you can read my books

Friday, January 18, 2019

6 Ways to Get People to STOP VISITING Your Blog

“Step right up and don’t read my blog!”

Would you ever write that on your blog?  You just might be if ...

1.)  Make it hard for me to find the comments box:

If I am taking time out of my day to read what you have to say but have a hard time finding the comment/reply option,

don’t expect me to comment.

Knowing I am unable to interact with you, I might not return.

Make it easy for me to find your comment/reply option.

2.) Keep the load time at its absolute maximum:

If your blog post/title catches my eye, but once I click to get there,

your load take takes what seems like forever, I might not come back.

*) Want to avoid this?

The more images, videos and other multi-media you have on your blog the longer it will take to load.

 However, images and other multimedia are important to attracting users to your blog SO

Decrease the size of your images or use thumbnails that link to the full-size image.

3.) Post content sporadically or rarely:

Do you like getting your news current or just now and then with no order to it?

 Most of us like up-to-date information.

Once your readers know your blog exists, take time to nurture and craft a blog post with regularity.

Even if you decide to post once a week, don’t stray from that.

Consistency breeds loyalty.

4.) Ignore Your Readers:

Don’t engage with people and neglect reciprocating on their blogs to ensure minimum repeat visitors to your blog.

Seriously, the first word in social media is “social”—

it’s a two-way street.

Talk to your readers, visit the blogs that visit you, engage with your audience.

Content is king but interaction rules the online social media universe.

5.) Have lots of WHINE to the cheese of your posts:

You might be one of the greatest new writers around, but if you whine continuously then expect a drop in visitors.

Depressing life-events dumps itself on my doorstep daily

so I really don't have to go out of my way to your blog for the experience!

6.) If you hawk it, they will come:

Ever been to those blogs that has tons of advertisements that shout at you?

How did you feel?

Having some advertisements is alright but crowding your blog with banners and links would turn off your readers.

Moreover, blogs with lots of advertisements usually take a long time to load,

which I’m sure you know, is not good for SEO purposes.

What do you think are ways to get people to stop visiting your blog?


  1. Yes, we get enough negativity in the news and real world. Sometimes people need to vent, but all the time is a drag.

  2. When I look back over my blog content, it seems like I get the most visitors when I write about something negative, being ill, someone dying, a mudslide, and so on. Other than that, I have 15-20 people I consider blogging friends and they leave comments no matter how long I'm absent. At this point, since I'm not selling anything, I don't care about the rest. I love my blogger friends and that's enough for me.

    1. Friends will pull us through when things are darkest.

  3. Love the 'toons and haven't seen the kid/tiger team for a long while. Way to sneek in the advice. hehehe

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Anne, I miss Calvin & Hobbes so much. They are my Go-To Guys when I want to make a point with laughter. Sorry to have taken so long to reply here. The flu bug took a bite out of me when I wrote this post. Ouch!
