So you can read my books

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


In the science of body language
1.) Raised eyebrows often indicate discomfort or insincerity.

2.) Lack of crinkles around the eyes suggest a fake smile.

3.) Real smiles cause the eyes to close.

 One of the key ingredient in a genuine smile is the movement of the orbicularis oculi muscle. 

 The vast majority of people that fake smiles will show no movements in the upper face area.

 4.) See their bottom teeth?

      Another way you can tell if a person is fake smiling is if you can see the bottom teeth in her mouth. 

It is called The Duchenne Smile, named after the French neurologist Duchenne de Boulogne 

who conducted pioneering research into the science of electrophysiology.

      In true smiles the bottom teeth are totally absent.

5.)  This is because when you smile and you mean it, the mouth muscle, the zygomatic major moves upwards.


having or showing a lack of experience or knowledge. 

See the full definition for wide-eyed in your dictionary

"If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress ...

 Uh, rather all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House."

How do say this in a PC way?

Miss Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 29-year-old democratic socialist, 

is a young, ambitious, and outspoken Hispanic woman, 

who suffers occasional bouts of hyperbole and verbal imprecision.

Sadly, we suffer along with her. 

She is the Non-Thinker's Representative
 who likens her election 
to the first Lunar landing.

Narcissistic much?

Yes, I know that President Trump
has his own issues with 
hyperbole and factual imprecision.

Yet, the line that attacks him
for it goes around the block.

 Miss Ocasio-Cortez
seems to be made of Teflon.

When asked whether she supported 
Rep. Nancy Pelosi 
for House speaker .

Her answer:

“We gotta take a look at what’s going on, and how the U.S. would pay for multi-trillion-dollar universal healthcare,

 why we don’t consider “the cost of all the funeral expenses of those who died” because we don’t have universal healthcare." 

Instead of asking if Miss Ocasio-Cortez was sober, the interviewer simply nodded along thoughtfully. 

She used the tired route of answering the question she wanted to be asked, not the one she heard.

Or more frightening:
 Did she actually hear that question?

No one challenges her directly on her wild, fact-challenged, narcissistic statements. 

This is how terribly unsuited individuals 
achieve positions of power 
to which they are woefully ill-prepared.

she has two degrees 
and won in a race that
seemed impossible.

After her father passed away 
from cancer in 2008, 

Miss Ocasio-Cortez worked two jobs
 in the restaurant industry 
to help her family make ends meet.

It just seems odd 
her words do not reflect
her accomplishments. 


Besides that I am about to lose a ton of followers.


  1. I think she ignored the question.
    Besides, people pay for funerals, not health care.
    People are funny, aren't they?

    1. I agree with you: I think she merely ignored the question. But darn it, she's just do cute and perky, who listens to her factual imprecision? Apparently, not the interviewers who have yet to call her on them. :-)

  2. She is scary. She is false in so many ways. She needs to be watched.

    1. I believe the Old Guard in the Democratic Party are using her as a lightning rod to draw attention away from themselves and their own agendas.

      What is truly scary is that none of her interviewers call her on her wild claims and plans.

      Thanks for visiting, Susan. :-)
