So you can read my books

Monday, January 21, 2019


“If you want something new,
 you have to stop doing something old”
- Peter F. Drucker

What Was The First Idea?

History happens first in the mind.

History is driven by ideas.  Deeds follow ideas.

When we compare ourselves to animals, we see how changeable we are.

Animals' lives change very little compared to the convulsions and revolutions

that shape our history.

New ideas are destabilizing, even dangerous.

But what is the source of ideas?

Our minds.

Yet, our science has yet to understand how ideas generate in them.

Ideas have shaped the world as we know it now.

 They will sculpt it into the shape of the future.

But What Were The First Ideas?

The earliest ideas in many ways were the best.

No, the earliest idea was not writing.

We can infer ideas by the actions and tools born of them.

Flaking flint to make shelves and arrow heads bespeak of an idea to hoard and kill from afar.

And Man has been hoarding and killing from afar ever since.

One arrow may easily break but not so a bundle of ten.

And from that thought sprang the idea to band together for safety and to forage afar for food.

But to band together Man needed to be able to communicate ...

So sprang the idea of Symbols that grew into crude Language.

And from symbols and language grew the urge to express ourselves in Art...

as in the caves of Lascaux:

{Image Courtesy of Prof. Saxx}

What Do You Think 
The First Idea Was?

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