So you can read my books

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Now, He Is Become Legend_Jeremy Hawkins_IWSG post


I just recently heard that Jeremy had died.
Not passed on.

I refuse to hide from the fact that we will all die.

Life is but a promissory note 
and soon or late, we all will hear the knock on our door
that the foreclosure is due.

We will have lost priceless treasures existing in our Now by the searching for Tomorrow's  fool's gold. 

Jeremy Hawkins wrote in comment to one of my  posts:

"I have been trying to obtain a dream or reality for some time now and for me... 

I have hit the bottom. 

Many life situations have sucked my creative side dry and my steps, sites and attention proves it. 

Do we get it back, can I... I only hope too.

 Sadly, it's a long road... dreams are for those who like me, trying and failing.

Though I keep trying, but there is nothing I am trying for at the moment... 

and that thing called reality, that just sucks.

I think I went off topic... dammit, sorry."

Like the Velveteen Rabbit, Jeremy became real by being polished by the rough circumstances of Life.

He was beautiful to all those who knew him. And for the others who did not understand.

It was their loss.

He had a fascinating interview with The Left Hand of Horror:

In these past days, whenever I heard of Jeremy, he was always helping ...

with Art design, T-Shirts, a supportive word, or even a post on his magazine, SIX STRINGS

as he did with me: 

“The loss of a friend is like that of a limb; time may heal the anguish of the wound, but the loss cannot be repaired.” 

—Robert Southey, Poet

I think a good choice of a musical selection for Jeremy's unique life is:


  1. Hi Roland - thank you for letting me know more about Jeremy - I appreciate the links ... the Thomas Bergersen Immortals clip is a delightful listen - very emotive. His talents are ones I appreciate, yet don't fully understand ... so thanks so much for opening my eyes. An excellent and very appropriate post for Jeremy's talents ... such a sad loss for this unique man. Thank you - Hilary

    1. Do any of us understand ourselves, much less anyone else? :-) Thank you, Hilary, for always being supportive of all those in your life.

  2. I was also featured in Six Strings - he made sure his friends got a feature.
    That comment is so Jeremy. He doubted so much and yet he was still so talented.

    1. Sometimes the truly talented are doubtful of themselves. He was a great soul.

  3. Such a beautiful tribute. Thank you, Roland.

    1. Thank you, Joylene, for such nice words. Have a wonderful February. :-)

  4. A great tribute, Roland. Jeremy has been well remembered today.

    1. Since Covid-19, I have been swamped by blood runs day and night, so I have not been able to visit as I want. :-(

  5. I'm sorry for your loss. He sounds like a wonderful person. Your tribute to him is heartfelt.

    1. So many in this world toil unseen under the radar, their impact only appreciated after they are no longer here. Thanks, Kalpana, for caring.

  6. I didn't know Jeremy. Your words here bring him to life for me and remind me how important it is to cherish each day with those we care for.

  7. I wish I'd had the honor of knowing Jeremy. He sounds like an amazing guy!

  8. Jeremy was a wonderful soul. This is a fitting tribute. Hugs, Ronald--this has been a sad time.
