So you can read my books

Wednesday, November 15, 2023



Here's a list of some of the most searched for niche-related keywords on Amazon KDP along with their search volume:

Dog – 2 622 608.

Babies – 2 621 138.

Kids – ​​2 620 967.

Beach – 2 581 690.

Women's – 2 579 365.

Easter – 2 579 200.

Showers – 2 577 586.

Men's – 2 576 991.

Unicorns - 2 623 214


Any help in choosing the keywords for your new KDP book?

Probably not

Unless your book is about a unicorn being chased by a dog on a beach Easter Sunday as kids cheer and babies cry.


Oh, Amazon removed the Keyword tab recently

It's now under Product Details. Shows you how important they think Keywords are.


And while the number of those reading for entertainment has dwindled ...


There are enough readers remaining in the 7 English speaking countries to support our books ... for a time.


Males are drawn to tales of adventure, thrillers, coming of age, and accounts of war.


Females are interested in romance, intrigue, and stories of trying to fit in a world that looks through them ... or their clothes!

KEYWORDS, of course, can be KEY phrases ... not Key Paragraphs, mind you!


What KEYWORDS for the modern remnant of readers today?



What female or male does not feel at times a misfit, especially in school?


Imagine what an ANGEL might feel who, alone of her species,

was created as an infant to grow up, first in an orphanage, then in a human home ...


at the request of a dying woman who did not want her grieving husband to become a monster ...

not realizing he already was one.


What inner turmoil might that angel feel as she struggled to blend with humans

 who could not cope with what she was if she but relaxed for an instant?


What if she met a young man who saw the anguished soul within and loved her for it?


 What might she become if she saw her mortal forbidden love in danger?


Already more KEYWORDS spring to mind:


Angelic Forbidden Love; Angel Lost; Star-Crossed Lovers



The Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred

in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms,

not just human.


What if it were not a compendium but a sentient construct shaped by Hands That Were Not Hands?


Abandoned by this planet when it was trapped by enormous gravitational fluxes?


What if after lonely millennia of not being able to communicate with the humans on this planet,


She reached down to an infant and found ... CONNECTION?


Only to have a global war called World War II place that life at risk?



What might such an entity do? Would its wrath be any more intense than the angel's?


Would the duo team up to save the one soul that matters to them?


What fractures in the very structure of reality might occur at their actions?


What sort of KEYWORDS occur to you at the above scenario?

Am I shamelessly trying to get you to help me with my own KEYWORDS for my new book:




Of course, I am! What do you say? Will you help me?


  1. I don't believe I've used any of those single words. Publisher Rocket turns up longer phrases and I select popular but not overcrowded ones for our titles.

    1. Perhaps that is why your books sell and mine do not. Ouch! But I do like my title and think I will stick with it. :-)

  2. Historical fiction; alternative history; mythic, supernatural.
