Actually 18 days left to write a review of one of my books on Amazon to enter ...
See? Even Megan Fox is writing a review.
(Of FRENCH QUARTER NOCTURNE by the way. She wants to play evil Maija or the revenant, Empress Theodora, or the ghost of Meilori just so long as she gets to play a scene where she kills Speilberg!)
Just think you may actually win an autographed copy of NEEDFUL THINGS, the last Castle Rock story. Someone has to win it. Why not you?
Sandra has already told me that if Megan Fox enters the contest, she is not letting me in the same room as the jar of entries! Sigh.
[From the soon-to-be published, THE LEGEND OF VICTOR STANDISH :
Victor Standish and his Victorian ghoul friend, Alice Wentworth, have survived more horrors than a Stephen King movie. Almost. It seems Victor has died saving his hero, Sam McCord.
The ANGEL OF DEATH has come for him. Despite his protests to save her, Alice insists on coming along, as do Father Renfield and the mysterious Sister Magda. They are standing at the head of the stairs leading down to the haunted jazz club, Meilori's] :
Everybody and their cousin could read my mind it seemed. Now, it was time to use it for me instead of it being used against me. I focused all the will I had and thought at Father Renfeild :
‘Now, Padre, now! Hold Alice. Hold her tight!’
“Ow, lad,” he snapped. “You didn’t have to shout.”
Alice frowned, “I heard noth ….”
She yelped as Renfield grabbed her from behind. Magda added her arms around Alice, too. I smiled bitterly. My girl sure struggled just the same. Then, she stabbed me with her words as I raced down the stairs.
“I hate you for this, Victor. I HATE YOU!”
She screamed, "I trusted you! Trusted! Do you know how hard that was for me after all these years?"
My steps slowed. "Yes, now you realize what you have done. I hate you, Victor. I hate you as only the undead can hate. I hate you so that there is no pity, no compassion, no ghost of the love you have killed by doing this! My hate will burn long, LONG after you die. I HATE YOU, VICTOR STANDISH!"
I stopped halfway down the steps and slowly turned to Alice, her neon blue eyes flaring and said, “D-Don’t let those be the last words I hear you say, Alice. P-Please.”
Black tears streamed from her strange eyes as she stiffened as if I had stabbed her as she mewed, “Dolt, imbecile, moron, dunce! Of course, I love you.”
I smiled despite my heart breaking. “I like it when you talk dirty to me, Alice.”
She whimpered, then managed to squeak out the words, “You are Victor Standish, and you will find a way back to me.”
Actually 18 days left to write a review of one of my books on Amazon to enter ...
See? Even Megan Fox is writing a review.
(Of FRENCH QUARTER NOCTURNE by the way. She wants to play evil Maija or the revenant, Empress Theodora, or the ghost of Meilori just so long as she gets to play a scene where she kills Speilberg!)
Just think you may actually win an autographed copy of NEEDFUL THINGS, the last Castle Rock story. Someone has to win it. Why not you?
Sandra has already told me that if Megan Fox enters the contest, she is not letting me in the same room as the jar of entries! Sigh.

[From the soon-to-be published, THE LEGEND OF VICTOR STANDISH :
Victor Standish and his Victorian ghoul friend, Alice Wentworth, have survived more horrors than a Stephen King movie. Almost. It seems Victor has died saving his hero, Sam McCord.
The ANGEL OF DEATH has come for him. Despite his protests to save her, Alice insists on coming along, as do Father Renfield and the mysterious Sister Magda. They are standing at the head of the stairs leading down to the haunted jazz club, Meilori's] :
Everybody and their cousin could read my mind it seemed. Now, it was time to use it for me instead of it being used against me. I focused all the will I had and thought at Father Renfeild :
‘Now, Padre, now! Hold Alice. Hold her tight!’
“Ow, lad,” he snapped. “You didn’t have to shout.”
Alice frowned, “I heard noth ….”
She yelped as Renfield grabbed her from behind. Magda added her arms around Alice, too. I smiled bitterly. My girl sure struggled just the same. Then, she stabbed me with her words as I raced down the stairs.
“I hate you for this, Victor. I HATE YOU!”
She screamed, "I trusted you! Trusted! Do you know how hard that was for me after all these years?"
My steps slowed. "Yes, now you realize what you have done. I hate you, Victor. I hate you as only the undead can hate. I hate you so that there is no pity, no compassion, no ghost of the love you have killed by doing this! My hate will burn long, LONG after you die. I HATE YOU, VICTOR STANDISH!"
I stopped halfway down the steps and slowly turned to Alice, her neon blue eyes flaring and said, “D-Don’t let those be the last words I hear you say, Alice. P-Please.”
Black tears streamed from her strange eyes as she stiffened as if I had stabbed her as she mewed, “Dolt, imbecile, moron, dunce! Of course, I love you.”
I smiled despite my heart breaking. “I like it when you talk dirty to me, Alice.”
She whimpered, then managed to squeak out the words, “You are Victor Standish, and you will find a way back to me.”
Hi Roland .. I've kept this in my reader .. and will try and get over and see how I can do a review within Amazon's bowels .. cheers Hilary
ReplyDeleteoh my god where did you GET that from! A signed copy! I am having heart palpitations. I shall get to reviewing, and I'll go you one better and also publish the review on my blog and Facebook!
ReplyDeleteHey, I just dropped by looking for your entry in the 'I hate you' blogfest. So I hate you for not having it up yet.
ReplyDeleteIf my iPad wasn't already full of blogger buddies' books that I need to read! And in the middle of Rusty Webb's awesome new book. If he doesn't get a publishing contract for the book he has out on submission right now, it will be a crime.
ReplyDelete...loved "Duma Key!" The setting of that story is actually taken from an island off the coast of Tampa Bay, Anna Maria, where not only him, but Oprah Winfrey own vacation homes.
ReplyDeleteWhile visiting there a few years ago, I spent countless hours walking the beach, hoping to run into him...but no such luck ;)
My review went to "Bear," therefore, toss my name into the sweepstakes!
Someone will enjoy an autographed book. Sorry, not a fan of King. Lovercraft's my horror guy.
ReplyDeleteGood luck everyone....
ReplyDeleteRoland ... where is your HATE entry?
Thanks, Hilary :
ReplyDeleteI wish you luck in my contest! Amazon is pretty good about letting us write reviews in the American version. I've only written a few -- on those books where I felt someone had taken a cheap shot and the book needed someone more fair to counter-balance the negative review.
Tripping Tipsy :
That's great of you. I failed to mention that each review on Amazon gets FIVE entries! I wish you luck. My friend, Sandra, guardian of the entries, will not let me near the bowl of them.
Kelworthfiles :
My I HATE YOU entry is found in the 2nd half of my Friday post. It is entitled, I HATE YOU AS ONLY THE UNDEAD CAN HATE! brrr.
Alex :
Yes, but can reading and reviewing any of those already in your Ipad give you FIVE chances to win an authographed book by
Laurell K. Hamilton
Dean Koontz, or
Stephen King?
Elliot :
You have FIVE entries in my contest thanks to your wonderful review. Sadly, Sandra won't let me near the bowl of entries to even look much less pick. Thank you very much!
Wasn't DUMA KEY a great book. I got the audio version to listen on my runs. But alas I gave it away when I was thinking I was merely lending it. The person lost it. Rats.
L. Diane :
How about Dean Koontz or Laurell K. Hamilton? Are you a fan of those authors. Autographed copies of THE TAKEN and DANSE MACABRE are also in my contest.
I tried to have something for everyone. Roland
Michael :
ReplyDeleteMy hate entry is on the second half of my Friday post. I am going to put it up here now. Roland
Beautiful entry Roland. I love opposits - I hate you instead of I love you. Way cool.
ReplyDeleteI just started another beta read - but I also started reading Path too. Got through the first about 10 percent. Man, I hate not having page numbers. I hope they get that fixed on e-books some day.
Good luck with the reviews. I'll have to stop by and check out Elliots.
Have a good weekend Roland.
Man, you're the king of hate scenes. Some of the stuff you've written is downright sinister!
But that's a good thing. It forces you to remember the scene.
I liked that King interview. What he said about horror: You're scared because you care about the characters. Otherwise it's just a shooting gallery.
Man, how true is that!
Enjoy the heat. ;)
- Eric
Donna :
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your beta read. I hope you enjoy PATH. Take some time out to just enjoy what brings you happiness, too!
Eric :
Thanks. I've been on the receiving end of some hate that I wish I could forget. Twain was right : no good deed goes unpunished!
Wasn't that King interview great? Yes, many Hollywood horror films forget that the audience must care for the characters ... usually Hollywood only gives us Monster Shooting Galleries.
I am trying to endure this heat! LOL. Roland